7 Ways You Can Create a Collaborative and Prosperous Workplace with Cutting Edge Technology

Collaborative and Prosperous Workplace. What company doesn’t want to create a highly collaborative and prosperous workplace? Everyone wants to do this, but yet, not everyone manages to do it successfully. How successful you are coming down to a few factors. Firstly, how do you adapt to emerging trends in your industry? Are you the kind […]
8 Best Customer Engagement Tools You Should Start Using Right Now

Customer Engagement Tools. Customer engagement tools are all about finding the right tools to help you better interact with your customers. In the digital age, customer interaction is key. Of course, interacting with customers has always been important in business, but it’s especially important today. In the past, customer interaction was limited by the technology […]
Is Tiktok for Business Already Included in Your Marketing Strategy? Here Are 5 Reasons Why It Should Be

Marketing Strategy. The social media platform TikTok has over 800 million monthly active users and over 1.6 billion video views per day. TikTok was founded in 2016, and since then has skyrocketed in popularity. Many businesses are hesitant to jump onto emerging social media platforms for several reasons. Some worry that the platform is just a […]
Why Your Support Agents Should Help in Creating Your Sales Funnel – Best Practices!

Sales Funnel. There are so many funnels, processes, guides, workflows, and more involved in the business world today. The reason for this is simple – In 2020, we’re focused on productivity, efficiency, and data. We are collecting and crunching more data than ever before, and this data gives us key insights into the minds of […]
7 Things You Can Do to Better Handle Call Spikes at Your Contact Center

Handle Call Spikes. Every call center will experience spikes in calls at different points throughout the year. Sometimes this is expected, like at Christmas when spending goes up. The same is true if you have a seasonal business like a travel company focused on Ski Resorts. Planning for expected spikes in call volume is much […]
Sales Chatbots – How to Automate Your Entire Sales Funnel on Your Website or App

Sales Chatbots. Chatbots are here and they’re here to stay! In the last five years, chatbots have risen to prominence on websites and apps all over the globe. There are several good reasons for this. Chatbots help bridge the communication gap when a human agent isn’t available. They also signal to your customers that you […]
Cloud-Based Contact Centers – 7 Tips for Shifting to Home Working

Cloud-Based Contact Centers, Working from home has been gaining momentum across all industries in recent years. The movement started with developing technologies for high ranking employees to work remotely. High ranking employees like directors or senior executives often have to travel as part of their job but it’s still vital that they can contribute to […]
Still Not Providing with 24/7 Customer Service? Here Are 9 Reasons Why You Should Start Right Away!

24/7 Customer Service. Many companies still remain resistant to rolling out 24/7 customer service. There are many reasons for this. Some companies believe it will cost them too much money to implement and maintain. Some companies believe it won’t add any real value. Whatever the reason, not offering 24/7 customer support is becoming increasingly less […]
The Ultimate Guide for Customer Health Score, a How-To Guide

Customer Health Score. At the point when you start your fledgling business, your smaller customer base is easier to manage and simpler to work with. Working so closely with your important new customer base, it’s easier to understand how they feel about your products and services. As soon as the amount of customers grows it […]
How Email Marketing Helps Engage With Customers, a Complete Guide

Engage With Customers. Studies show that a whopping 269 billion emails were sent and received each day during 2018 and the average expected ROI is a satisfying $32 for every $1 spent on email marketing. According to the above research, email marketing is a way that a huge number (over 80%) of businesses rely on this form […]