Conversation Assignment

תוכן העניינים

What Is a Conversation Assignment?

Assigning conversation means that all conversations belong to the currently connected agent. Unassigned conversations are all active conversations that are currently not assigned to any agent.

What Is an Automatic Assignment?

An automatic assignment is an automatic prioritization mechanism for conversations and their distribution among agents. The mechanism assigns conversations to agents according to permission, agents availability, and additional parameters.

Note that inbox filtering will be on the “Assigned to me” tab for call centers working with automatic assignment.

The agent should choose the “Open Conversations” filter if there is no automatic assignment.

Adding Participants to the Conversation

We’ll add a participant when the main agent assigned to the conversation wants to add a team member to participate in it.
Of the two icons, the left icon is Add new Participant:

add aprticipant

This option will allow many agents to participate in the conversation without being assigned to it.

Click on the “Add participant” button, and a dropdown list will appear next to it:

Choose the agent you want to add to the conversation.

Note: Assignment as a participant does not affect the ability or responsibility of the assigned agent who is responsible for a specific conversation. You can assign as many agents as you want as participants in the conversation.

When adding an agent as a participant to a conversation, they will appear in the conversation log. Additionally, the conversation will be transferred to a conversation filter called Participating:



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