How CommBox AI Solutions Help Prevent Customer Churn

How CommBox AI Solutions Help Prevent Customer Churn

Introduction Retaining customers in today’s highly competitive market is incredibly challenging. One key factor that can seriously impact a company’s financial performance and growth is Customer churn (customer loss). Understanding and managing churn is critical for success. In this article, we will delve into the concept of customer churn, its impact, and how to reduce […]

5 business takeaways from packed UK customer service event

By Vered Shani.  One of the most valuable perks of attending industry events is gaining insight into the business strategies of similar companies. Especially when it comes to how they plan on leveraging this year’s biggest trend: AI in customer service. November’s UK Engage Summit really delivered, with high-profile brands in attendance including Amazon, Vodaphone, […]

Supercharge Your SAP with CommBox for Effective Customer Communication

Supercharge Your SAP with CommBox for Effective Customer Communication

Effective Customer Communication. SAP has long been one of the leading ERP systems across industries and organizations. Using SAP means you’ll be able to manage your business more efficiently and effectively. However, SAP was not built as a customer communication platform, nor does it try to be one. Like any other management system, it needs […]

Debunking Common Myths About Generative AI Chatbots: Enhancing Customer Satisfaction Through AI-Driven Support Automation


In the realm of customer service, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent, with generative AI chatbots playing a pivotal role in providing efficient and streamlined human-like support. Despite their growing popularity, lingering myths surrounding these AI-driven ‘machines’ might deter businesses from fully embracing their potential. In this article, we will explore and debunk common misconceptions […]

Generative AI: Redefining the Equation of Volume-Cost in Customer Service


Generative AI. In the world of economics, there are fundamental principles that we rarely question or debate. We accept, without hesitation, that the forces of supply and demand influence prices, that money holds value, and that economies of scale can drive down the cost per unit. These principles form the bedrock of economic understanding. But […]

CommBox Recognized as Leaders and High-Performers in the CX Market by G2

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Why CommBox is Highly Rated Across 14 CX Categories  CommBox Recognized as Leaders. We are honored to announce that CommBox has been recognized by G2 as a global leader in CX, thanks to our customers and the positive reviews we received.  See how CommBox stacks up against others in the G2 Crowd Top CX Vendors […]

CX Redefined: Evolving Beyond Self Service to Business Messaging

CX Redefined: Evolving Beyond Self Service to Business Messaging

CX Redefined Why It’s Time to Move Beyond Self Service  Timing is everything when it comes to connecting with your customers. Customers today have a lot less patience and if your self-service site or app does not answer their questions within a few seconds, you’ve lost them forever. A bad self-service user experience can leave […]